
Cannot log in to Cloud Director after changing LDAP identity source (stranded items)

Cannot log in to Cloud Director after changing LDAP identity? Here is solution for you!

3 years ago

Latest Post Fixing Service Account Duplication in VMware VCF: Resolving vCenter / NSX Connection Issues by Alexey Koznov public

After changing the LDAP Identity Source domain at the Cloud Director level users that were correct working before that operation faced problems with login to Provider portal. After checking entries at tables org_member and usr we found that records for these users were marked as stranded.

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For getting information about all those accounts and for removing those records (that have is_external option - these accounts are from LDAP source and passwords of these accounts is null) we can use these SQL queries:

select * from usr where password is null and is_external is true and user_id in (select member_id from org_member where is_stranded is true)

delete from usr where password is null and is_external is true and user_id in (select member_id from org_member where is_stranded is true)

select * from org_member where is_stranded is true

delete from org_member where is_stranded is true

After removing those records we tried to log in again with the domain LDAP source account and we'll get success! Awesome!

Alexey Koznov

Published 3 years ago


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